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The owner and publisher of this website is SAS EBF IMMOBILIER, whose registered office is at 214 rue des entrepreneurs 30420 CALVISSON, registered with the Trade and Companies Register of the Gard under number 840 297 428 00012
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See our confidentiality & RGPD : here


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Développement intégration, and Design : Sud Corner & Mr Cup


0€ to 250 000€ fixed price 15 000€
250 001€ to 550 000€ Percentage 6%
550 001€ and more Percentage 5%

These fees are applied in a majority of transactions and remain exceptionally liable to evolve within limits close to the established conditions with a minimum of fixed price (15000€). Our fees above, are expressed on a flat-rate basis or as a percentage, are applied to the amount of the transaction, including taxes, and are the responsibility of the seller or the buyer depending on the terms of the contract.